Sunday, June 23, 2024

Israeli Defense Forces Tie Wounded Palestinian Man To Vehicle’s Hood As Human Shield

 Israeli forces tied a wounded Palestinian man to an armored vehicle’s hood as they drove through the occupied West Bank during a raid this weekend – an incident a United Nations expert described as an example of the military using Palestinian civilians as human shields, an accusation the U.S. and Israel have repeatedly made against Palestinian militants like Hamas.

Video that went viral on Saturday showed a jeep belonging to the Israeli military driving through the streets of Jenin, a city in the northern West Bank that continues to face military raids and settler violence. Soldiers with the Israeli Defense Force tied a visibly bloodied Palestinian man on the hood of one of their armored vehicles, as shown in the video.

The man has since been identified as Jenin resident Mujahed Azmi. The video was verified by Al Jazeera, Reuters and Anadolu, and later confirmed by the Israeli military itself.

Israeli forces on Saturday were conducting a raid in Jenin when they wounded Azmi, the man’s family told Reuters. When the family asked for an ambulance to take Azmi to a hospital, the IDF instead took him, strapped him onto the jeep’s hood and drove off, they said.

“What happened is another scene of the daily crimes committed by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people, particularly against those who are in custody,” Abdullah al-Zagari, director of the Palestinian Prisoners Society, told Anadolu.

Israeli forces initially would not allow crews with the Palestine Red Crescent to administer first aid to Azmi or take him to a hospital, the humanitarian group said.

“The jeep passed by, and the injured man was on the hood. One arm was tied to the windshield, and the other arm was on his abdomen,” ambulance driver Abdulraouf Mustafa said, according to an Arabic-to-English translation by Al Jazeera. “They drove past us and refused to give us the patient.”

Rafah Crossing Now Completely Destroyed & No Longer Usable For Gazans Seeking Exit

 The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have announced that for the first time Gaza's sole border crossing with Egypt has been completely destroyed to the point that it can no longer be used.

Israeli Army Radio issued the following statement days ago: "This is how Rafah crossing looks today, completely destroyed and no longer usable, after being taken over by Brigade 401 in one night." The statement added that "Due to its relative proximity to the border, the Israeli army used the crossing as a stopping point and resting area."

Throughout most of the conflict which goes back to Oct.7, Palestinian officials operated on one side and Egyptian border troops on the other. The government of Egypt has long been bracing for a possible flood of refugees especially after Israel's ground offensive in Rafah kicked off.

That Rafah crossing is now effectively closed and guarded by the IDF, which will only add to the unfolding humanitarian disaster as civilians are trapped with nowhere to go amid the Israel-Hamas battles raging on streets across southern Gaza.

As for the physical state of the crossing itself, war correspondents have confirmed that the exterior of the structure was incinerated: "Occupation forces damaged Rafah crossing’s halls that were used by locals to exit the Strip," according to an earlier report by Middle East Eye.

Below is a statement by China's CGTN:

On June 19, a journalist filmed the scene from the Gaza side of the Rafah border crossing after the Israeli army began its ground military operation in May. The crossing, located on the southern border with Egypt, is the main route for international humanitarian aid to enter the Gaza Strip.

Israeli forces have razed an umber of buildings here besides blocking humanitarian aid and personnel from entering Gaza. June 20 marks the World Refugee Day. However, many people displaced in the Gaza Strip and the living environment has been destroyed by the war.

Sally Abi Khalil, Oxfam’s Middle East and North Africa Director, has directed angry words against Israel, saying last week that the government "claimed weeks ago that it would provide full humanitarian support and medical assistance to civilians it had told to move."

Video showing the status of the crossing now:

She added, "Not only is this not happening, its ongoing impunity, bombardment, and deliberate obstruction have created unprecedented and impossibly dangerous conditions for humanitarian agencies to operate."

Meanwhile, the US-built pier is not doing well either. It has been out of commission longer than it has been operational, due largely to choppy seas in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Biden Admin Asked Amazon To Hide Vaccine-Critical Books During Pandemic

 Authored by Steve Watson via,

The Biden Administration pressured Amazon to hide books for sale on its platform that were critical of vaccines during the pandemic, it has been revealed.

The findings were presented by the House Judiciary Committee and Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government in documents that show Amazon reduced the visibility of titles that the government deemed overly critical of big pharma shots.

The documents show that some books were simply generally critical of vaccines, with several written by medical professionals. Some were even just reviews of scientific studies.

The Federal government compiled a “Do Not Promote” list, to which more than 40 titles were added.

In a series of X posts, Judiciary Committee Chair Rep. Jim Jordan explained how internal emails from Amazon contain employees revealed that “the impetus for this request is criticism from the Biden Administration.”

Children Among Mass Casualties After US-Supplied Missile Targets Crowded Crimean Beach

 Russia on Sunday is reporting a mass casualty event in the Crimean port city of Sevastopol, and is saying that a US long-range missile was behind it.

The Russian Ministry of Health in a recent update said that five people were killed in a series of strikes from Ukraine, which injured 124 people including 27 children. Among the deceased, two were children, the ministry said. The casualty toll is likely to climb over the next hours amid the emergency response and as hospital data is reported.

Image on Telegram showing wound civilians treated by emergency crews.

Moscow is calling it a 'terrorist missile strike' on Sevastopol with five US-supplied ATACMS tactical missiles, carried out just after noon local time. What's more is that Russia says they were equipped with cluster warheads, making for a bigger casualty strike zone.

Crimean officials said that in once instance a missile exploded above a crowded beach, unleashing shrapnel on people who had been relaxing there.

A separate Russian Defense Ministry (MoD) statement directly accused Washington. "Flight missions for ATACMS missiles are programmed by American specialists based on US satellite reconnaissance, making Washington primarily responsible for the deliberate missile strike on Sevastopol's civilians," the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) stated.

Widely circulating brief video showing the moment a projectile exploded over beachgoers in Sevastopol...

"Therefore, the responsibility for the deliberate missile strike on Sevastopol’s civilians lies primarily with Washington, which supplied this weapon to Ukraine, as well as the Kiev regime, from whose territory the strike was launched," the MoD statement added.

The statement explained that while anti-air defenses were able to down four of the five inbound rockets, the fight changed trajectory due to the intercept attempts resulting in "its warhead exploding in the air over the city."

It emphasized this was "terrorist attack on the civilian infrastructure of Sevastopol with U.S.-supplied ATACMS tactical missiles loaded with cluster warheads."

Local video of the aftermath showing a largely deserted beach...

AFP writes of emerging unverified footage that "Videos posted on social media showed people running from the beach as explosions went off and people in swimming outfits carrying a stretcher."

Russia's military warned that "Such actions will not be left without a response." The Biden administration has regularly sought to claim that US-supplied weapons transferred to Ukraine can only be used to attack military targets and are "defensive" - even in the instance of cross-border attacks.

Via The Telegraph

What Will Happen To Inflation Under A Trump Presidency

 By Philip Marey of Rabobank


  • With the elections approaching, Trump and Biden are outbidding each other to show who is the toughest on trade. Trump has proposed a universal tariff and even higher tariffs on China, while Biden has kept the Trump tariffs of 2018 and added specific tariffs on “strategic” imports from China.
  • Since Trump is ahead in the polls and we expect the economic data to deteriorate, we made a Trump victory our baseline in February. A universal tariff would lead to a rebound of inflation in 2025. Recent simulations, which include retaliation by the EU and China, suggest a more prolonged inflationary effect extending into 2026 and an adverse effect on US GDP growth in 2026.
  • If the Republicans also get control of the Senate and the House of Representatives, reduced immigration and tax cuts could reinforce the inflationary impact from the universal tariff.
  • Meanwhile, it remains to be seen whether the Trump legal cases will lead to a sustained rebound for Biden in the polls. However, they are highlighting that “lawfare” has become a feature of the US elections, which are likely to be contested again. This leads to a further erosion of US institutions and undermines the long-run strength of the economy.


In February, based on the opinion polls and our expectation of a deterioration of economic data in 2024, we decided to assume a Trump victory in our Q1 forecasting round for the global economy. While there are many uncertainties about the impact of a second Trump presidency on economic policy, a raise in import tariffs is highly likely. Trump showed a preference for tariffs in his first term in office and more recently he has been talking about a universal tariff on goods imports if he gets a second term. Also note that the US president can raise tariffs without support from Congress due to several laws that have been adopted over the years that have delegated trade policy powers from Congress to the White House.

Therefore, we think that a universal tariff is a robust assumption, that remains valid under different scenarios. For example, it does not depend on the outcome of the elections for the Senate and the House of Representatives that also take place on November 5. Since our assumption of a universal tariff depends only on Trump’s chances, the probability of our baseline is not diluted. After all, with each additional assumption, the joint probability of all assumptions turning out valid declines rapidly.

Institutions like the Congressional Budget Office usually assume no change in policy when making forecasts, unless they analyze alternative scenarios. However, if we follow this practice, this would essentially mean that we make the implicit assumption that a Biden victory is more likely than a Trump victory. Given the available polling data, and our expectation that the economy is slowing down, this does not seem plausible. Therefore, we have taken the step to assume a Trump victory in our baseline forecasts, expressed through its most robust policy implication: a universal tariff.

Trump’s universal tariff: what if the world retaliates?

The empirical evidence on the Trump tariffs of 2018 showed that the tariffs were mostly paid by US importers and US consumers, rather than foreign exporters. Going from specific tariffs to a universal tariff in 2025 would broaden the impact and likely have a substantial upward impact on consumer price inflation. This would also reduce the scope for policy rate cuts by the Fed. We already incorporated this in our previous (Q1) forecasting round with a rebound in US inflation in 2025, complicating the Fed’s mission to get inflation back to its 2% target in a sustainable manner. Ceteris paribus, this should reduce the amount of rate cuts that the Fed has in mind for 2025.

Our forecasts in Q1 reflected the imposition of a universal tariff by the US, without retaliation from trading partners. In our current forecasting round (Q2), we have made additional assumptions on retaliation by China and the EU. Moreover, our scenarios and projections team used the NiGEM global macroeconomic model to simulate the impact of a universal tariff and retaliation on the economies of the US, the EU, China and the rest of the world. Based on the simulation outcomes with retaliation, we have adapted our US forecasts to reflect a more prolonged inflationary effect extending into 2026 and an adverse effect on US GDP growth in 2026 (Note that CPI inflation falls to 2.5% in the first half of 2025, before rebounding to 4.0% by the end of the year). For more details, we refer to our most recent Monthly Outlook.

SpaceX Leads Reusable Rocket Race, While China Continues Crashing Boosters To Earth

 As of early last week, Elon Musk's SpaceX had completed 356 launches, 319 landings, and 290 relights, according to flight data from Fox News. This is a monumental achievement for the world's first private space company to pioneer and deploy reusable rockets. 

The reusable Falcon 9 rocket has dominated the launch industry and propelled America into the number one spot in the global space race. 

Data from BryceTech shows SpaceX launched 525 spacecraft into orbit in the first quarter. This is more than any other space program worldwide, surpassing China and Russia by a considerable margin. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

What Election?


Gaps In Electoral College Tiebreaker Rules Could Bring Constitutional Crisis

By Brian McGlinchey at Stark Realities

While many Americans know that an Electoral College tie sends presidential and vice presidential elections into the House of Representatives and Senate, few realize there’s a constitutional crisis lurking in the incomplete rules for resolving such draws.

In 2024, scrutiny of these hidden dangers is more than a mere academic exercise, as there are plausible scenarios by which Joe Biden and Donald Trump could end up with 269 electoral votes apiece. One, for example, centers on Trump winning Nevada, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, and Biden winning Georgia, North Carolina and Arizona.

One of the scenarios that could yield a 2024 Electoral College tie (via 270toWin)

In the event neither candidate reaches the requisite 270 electoral votes, Americans would witness the first “contingent election” in 100 years. In accordance with the 12th Amendment, the president would be chosen by the House of Representatives, and the vice-president by the Senate. In both chambers, votes would be cast by the newly-elected Congress that first convenes in January.

That top-level description — which is about all you typically get from most media references to the possibility —is deceptively simplistic. In practice, a contingent election would be far messier than most Americans realize, with the potential for a deadlock that leaves the Oval Office unattended.

“Unsettled legal and procedural questions permeate nearly every aspect of the process,” wrote Beau Tremitiere and Aisha Woodward at Lawfare, “and in today’s political environment, high-stakes legal disputes and constitutional hardball would be inevitable.”

Before we look at the lurking risks to an orderly transfer of power, let’s quickly review some contingent-election basics. In the House, presidential votes are cast not by individual representatives, but by state delegations, with each state having a single vote. The House chooses from the top three Electoral College vote-getters; of course, in most years, only the two major-party candidates receive any. Winning requires the votes of 26 states.

As of today, Republicans control 26 House delegations compared to the Democrats’ 22, while the North Carolina and Minnesota delegations are evenly split among the two parties. However, since the votes would be cast by the victors of the November election, the delegation-control math could be different when the 119th Congress is gaveled into existence at noon on Jan. 3.

If the House vote for president results in a tie, the state delegations keep on voting until there’s a winner. If that hasn’t happened by Inauguration Day — January 20, 2025 — the new vice president becomes acting president until a candidate gets 26 votes in the House.

Things work a little differently in the Senate. Unlike the House’s state-delegation approach, individual senators cast their own vote for vice president. Rather than the top three electoral-vote finishers, senators pick among the top two. Counting independents who caucus with the Democrats, the Democrats currently control the Senate by a slim 51-49 margin, but face an uphill climb to retain a majority in January.

Here’s where we encounter a major gap in the contingent-election rules: While the 12th Amendment spells out what to do if the House is deadlocked on Inauguration Day, it fails to address the same possibility in the Senate.

The vice president is also president of the Senate. During ordinary business, vice presidents are summoned to cast tie-breaking votes. Some suggest that, since Kamala Harris would be vice president during the contingent election, she would simply cast a tiebreaking vote — for herself.

However, the 12th Amendment stipulates that “a majority of the whole number [of Senators] shall be necessary to make a choice [of vice president].” Some scholars argue that this rules out a tiebreaking vote being cast by the vice president, who is, strictly speaking, not a “senator.”

The most concerning scenario would arise if both the House and Senate are deadlocked on Jan. 20. If that happens, some say the new president should be selected using the Presidential Succession Act of 1947. That’s the law that provides a line of succession that proceeds from vice president to speaker of the house, president pro tempore of the Senate, and then through the cabinet secretaries in order of their departments’ founding date, with State coming first.

Why So Many Great Scientists Come From Hungary

The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants.

– Albert Camus

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

– C.S. Lewis

Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.

– Albert Einstein


American Made: US-Built Gaza Pier To Be Dismantled Early Amid Ongoing Failures

 Following the latest weather and choppy seas setback, the US-built aid pier off Gaza has resumed operations as of the end of this week (Thursday), the Pentagon said, after it broke apart last month. It's been an on-again off-again situation and the controversial and costly pier project has by and large proven ineffective.

But despite aid reportedly now rolling off the pier once again, Israeli media on Saturday has documented more embarrassing issues, including apparently broken off parts from the pier still washing up to shore far away from its location...

Following significant repairs it underwent at an Israeli port, the pier was transferred back in place amid a series of problems largely due to turbulent seas in the eastern Mediterranean..

The Associated Press has written in a fresh report that "Aid groups have sharply criticized the plan to bring aid by sea into Gaza, saying it’s a distraction to take pressure off Israel to open more land border crossings that are far more productive."

This week The New York Times essentially declared that the expensive Biden project is an utter failure and that it will be dismantled earlier than expected.

"The $230 million temporary pier that the U.S. military built on short notice to rush humanitarian aid to Gaza has largely failed in its mission, aid organizations say, and will probably end operations weeks earlier than originally expected," the Times wrote.

"In the month since it was attached to the shoreline, the pier has been in service only about 10 days. The rest of the time, it was being repaired after rough seas broke it apart, detached to avoid further damage or paused because of security concerns," the report continued.

Anadolu via Getty Images

David Stockman On The Ukrainian Border War Folly

 Authored by David Stockman via,

Someone should tell the European ruling elites to take a long jump off a short pier.

Their endless whining about the Ruuskies and Putin is just plain pathetic because...

  • It’s not justified—Russia bears no hallmarks of an expansionist imperial power.

  • The Russia-Ukraine conflict is none of western Europe’s business—since its essentially a territorial and civil war within the borders of historic Russia.

  • If EU officialdom is really concerned about the purported Russian threat why do they spend just a pittance of their GDP on defense?

Yet, here we have Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, former German defense minister and full-throated war-hawk, talking absolute nonsense:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to see empires and autocracies back in Europe, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told the European Economic Congress in Katowice.

Speaking alongside Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, von der Leyen insisted that she stands for a European Union that is ready to do whatever it takes to protect Europe, and especially Ukraine.

Putin’s war is about redrawing the map of Europe, but it is also a war on our Union and on the entire global rules-based system,” she said.”

Well, that’s rubbish if there ever was such. The only time the borders of Ukraine have been redrawn at the barrel of a gun is when Lenin, Stalin and Khrushchev did it between 1922 and 1954. That’s right, this bureaucratic half-wit wants to embroil the world in WWIII in order to enforce borders drawn by a trio if history’s most blood-thirsty tyrants.

As explained below, there never was a country even remotely resembling modern Ukraine until the Soviet communists decreed its existence. Before that, the pieces and parts of the country’s history go back to the 1650s when one of the more powerful and brutal rulers of the Cossack Hetmanate that occupied a small part of today’s central Ukraine abandoned his tribe’s historic fealty to the Polish kings and switched his loyalty to the Russians. After that, the “borderlands”( i.e.”Ukraine” in Russian) were all about vassalage in the Russian Empire and the Soviet one which followed.

During that 375 year span the borders shifted all over the lot and back, as the Mongol, Turkish and Polish-Lithuanian empires receded and the Russian and communist ones expanded. So what’s so sacrosanct about the very last version of the map—one that hosted both the murderous regime of Stalin and Hitler’s Wehrmacht, too?

Indeed, Europe is rife with borders redrawn again and again. While von der Leyen was in Poland preaching for border wars in Ukraine, in fact, it might well be asked, which sacrosanct Polish borders did she have in mind?

For 700 years “Poland” has cavorted around the rivers, plains and forests of central Europe like a traveling minstrel show. This includes its disappearance entirely at the hands of the Prussians, Russians, Hapsburgs and other long-gone lesser powers during the later years of the 18th century and the entirety of the 19th century. Only in 1919 was it resurrected—in part upon German lands at Versailles because Woodrow Wilson realized that there were votes to be had among the fair part of the Polish nation which had migrated to Chicago and the industrial Midwest.

Then Hitler and Stalin redrew Poland’s borders again under the infamous Molotov-Ribbentrop pact of 1938, cancelling Wilson handwork and returning the German Danzig Corridor to its previous owner. And then, seven years later, a different set of victors re-carved it again at Yalta, setting borders for “Poland” that satisfied Stalin’s aim to recover eastern lands the Soviets lost in the post-1918 civil war.

That is to say, the picture below reminds not only how the latest borders of “Poland” were drawn, but how over the last several centuries of history most of Europe’s present borders came to be. They were not drawn by God’s deputies on earth or even the statesman of the day—but by the victors of the most recent wars.

The Border Men of 1945

Moreover, even a glance at today’s map reminds that the border-drawing work of victorious generals and politicians, and occasionally statesman, has always been subject to revision without necessarily making a war about it. In recent times that’s been true even for the handiwork of the better kind of draftsmen who drew maps at Versailles as opposed to the bloody chambers of the Soviet Empire.

Thus, the statesman at Versailles decreed the existence of Czechoslovakia in 1919 as a potpourri of nations including a lot of Slovaks, Czechs, Hungarians, Romani people, Silesians, Ruthenians, Ukrainians, Poles, Jews and most especially millions of Germans. So it was subsequently dismembered by Hitler to bring the Sudetenland Germans home; then re-assembled by the Yalta winners; and finally divided between Slovakia and the Czech Republic on peaceable terms in 1993.

Or take the case of the meandering borders of the six autonomous republics of the vanished state of Yugoslavia and particularly its anchor in Serbia. Wikipedia explains the border-making process there as well as can be done:

“(Serbia) achieved de facto independence in 1867 and gained full recognition by the Great Powers in the Berlin Congress of 1878. As a victor in the Balkan Wars of 1912–1913, Serbia regained Vardar Macedonia, Kosovo and Metohija and RaÅ¡ka (Old Serbia). In late 1918, with the defeat of the Austro-Hungarian empire, Serbia was expanded to include regions of the former Serbian Vojvodina. Serbia was united with other Austro-Hungarian provinces into a pan-Slavic State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs; the Kingdom of Serbia joined the union on 1 December 1918 and the country was named the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes.

The Vatican Financial Empire- A Hidden History | 2024 Documentary

Maher Audience Silenced After Andrew Cuomo Admits NYC Trump Trial Should Have Never Happened

 Former governor of New York from 2011 to 2021 Andrew Cuomo appeared on Real Time With Bill Maher on Friday where he discussed the implications of the New York City Trump trial with host Maher. 

Maher's mostly liberal audience is caught quiet when Maher and Cuomo start frankly discussing whether or not the trial was helpful for the Trump campaign. 

“The trial in New York, the one he [Trump] got convicted for, was the greatest fundraising bonanza ever. He was lagging behind Biden, and now he's pulled quite a bit ahead," Maher said to Cuomo during the show. 

"That trial was the greatest reason people had to send their checks for $5, $10, 2$5, whatever dollars to Donald Trump. So I was always with you [Andrew Cuomo] on the one in New York, the hush money trial. I don't think they should have brought that one," he continues. 

Cancer-Drug Costs Skyrocket, Leaving Even Insured Patients In Financial Ruin


Authored by George Citroner via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

An increase in cancer cases is putting pressure on Americans already facing a difficult situation—exorbitant drug prices, a lack of regulation, and a system that seems designed to profit, according to experts.

(Artem Oleshko/Shutterstock)

With medical debt burying patients, the battle against cancer is taking a new financial front that could bankrupt many cancer patients.

Emerging Patterns in Cancer Data

For more than seven decades, cancer has remained among the top two leading causes of death. Well over one-third of the U.S. population will confront a cancer diagnosis during their lifetime, according to National Cancer Institute estimates.

A new study published in JAMA Network Open analyzing cancer data from 3.8 million patients reveals a trend—Generation X, those born between 1965 and 1980, is experiencing a sharper rise in cancer rates across major types than any previous generation dating back to 1908. This trajectory suggests that elevated cancer incidence in the United States could persist for decades to come, representing a looming public health crisis.

The cancer mortality rate in the United States has consistently fallen year over year since 2000, but the rate of newly diagnosed cases is rising. In 2024, over 2 million new cancer cases are projected in the United States, according to data published in A Cancer Journal for Clinicians. This is up from 1,958,310 new cases in 2023.

The incidence rate for six of the top 10 cancers is also increasing. Incidence rose annually by 0.6 percent to 3 percent between 2015 and 2019 for cancers like breast, pancreas, prostate, liver, kidney, and HPV-related oral cancers.

‘Early-Onset Cancer Epidemic’

Research published in 2022 points to an “early-onset cancer epidemic.” Some evidence suggests a 79.1 percent global increase in early-onset cancers from 1990 to 2019 and a nearly 30 percent rise in related deaths.

While the causes are unclear, scientists suggest accelerated aging due to factors like diet, lifestyle, and environmental exposures may play a role.

A 2024 report shows younger adults as the only age group with increased overall cancer incidence from 1995 to 2020, rising 1 percent to 2 percent annually. Breast, prostate, endometrial, colorectal, and cervical cancer rates are also increasing in this population.

Young adults saw a 1 percent to 2 percent annual increase in cervical (ages 30 to 44) and colorectal cancers (under 55) between 2015 and 2019. Colorectal cancer rose from the fourth leading cause of cancer death in the late 1990s to the first in men and second in women under 50.

The Rising Financial Toll

As more cancer diagnoses loom over younger, working-age Americans, those affected face financial problems due to the skyrocketing costs of life-saving treatments.

Many cancer patients and survivors are drowning in medical debt despite having health insurance, according to a recent survey from the American Cancer Society’s Cancer Action Network.

Forty-seven percent of over 1,200 cancer patients and survivors surveyed have accrued debt due to their cancer treatment, with 49 percent carrying a burden exceeding $5,000. As many as 69 percent have been grappling with this debt for over a year, and more than a third (35 percent) have been saddled with cancer-related debt for three years or longer.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Blackwater: Portrait of an American Private Military Contractor (Mercenaries)

Washington Approves Another $360 Million Arms Sale To Taiwan


Authored by Connor Freeman via,

The State Department said earlier this week that it has green-lit a $360 million arms sale to Taipei, including hundreds of armed drones, missile equipment, and other support material. China views Taiwan as part of its territory, and while it prefers to reclaim the de facto independent island peacefully, it has not ruled out using force if its "red lines" are crossed.

The latest sale comprises 291 Altius-600M systems, which are drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), armed with warheads. The State Department release notes 720 Switchblade drones, described as “extended-range loitering munitions,” are also included with the package.

Reuters: China has called recent drills around Taiwan a "strong punishment" for "separatist acts"

The statement went on to claim that the sale “serves U.S. national, economic, and security interests by supporting the recipient’s continuing efforts to modernize its armed forces and to maintain a credible defensive capability.” Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te thanked Washington for the new hardware, insisting they will increase regional stability. “In the future, we will continue to strengthen Taiwan’s national defense strength, whether through … military purchases or our own efforts,” he said.

Wednesday’s announcement follows reports this week that Chinese President Xi Jinping told European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen last year that he believes the hawkish US posture in the region and its increased military support for the island constitute an attempt to provoke an invasion by Beijing.

Earlier this month, Adm. Samuel Paparo, the head of US Indo-Pacific Command, told Washington Post columnist Josh Rogin he plans to wage a “hellscape” drone warlaunching thousands of UAVs, drone boats, and unmanned submarines against China if it attacks the island. “I want to turn the Taiwan Strait into an unmanned hellscape using a number of classified capabilities,” he threatened. “So that I can make their lives utterly miserable for a month, which buys me the time for the rest of everything.”

His predecessor, Admiral John Aquilino, said last year that he was instructed by Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin and President Joe Biden to prepare for a direct war with China over the self-ruled island. “What I can tell you is the secretary and the president have tasked me with two missions. The first is to prevent this conflict. And then the second one is if I fail at Mission One to be ready and prepared to fight and win… the United States military is manned, trained, equipped, postured and ready to execute both of those missions,” the commander proclaimed.

This was yet another confirmation that the White House has discarded the decades-old policy of “strategic ambiguity” regarding what role the US would play in the event of a cross-strait war. Since taking office, Biden had made several ostensible “gaffes” suggesting the US, in fact, has a defense commitment with the island and that American men and women would be deployed to fight and die to protect its de facto independence. Last year, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines and the then-top Asia official on the National Security Council, Kurt Campbell, reiterated that the policy was changed from ambiguity to strategic clarity, or an overt war footing.

Israeli Defense Forces Tie Wounded Palestinian Man To Vehicle’s Hood As Human Shield

  Israeli forces tied a wounded Palestinian man to an armored vehicle’s hood as they drove through the occupied West Bank during a raid this...