Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Not For You


German Elites Call For "Firewall" To Prevent Conservative Governance After AfD Election Win

The coalition system of government common to European nations is supposedly designed to prevent the formation of authoritarian regimes by diluting power among a greater number of parties.  But, as the last decade has shown, it has only allowed for increasing socialist control in the EU under progressive and globalist politicians.  Most parties do not represent the will of the public but they collude to form bureaucratic cartels that gatekeep conservatives out of the process. 

The majority of Europeans do not support open immigration from the third world, they do not support oppressive carbon controls and they do not support the expansion of wars with eastern nations like Russia.  These are all policies which EU progressives are trying to force on the public anyway.  That's called tyranny.

Far from stopping authoritarianism, coalition parties have normalized leftist oligarchy.  But the people of Europe (and the UK) are not staying quiet any longer. 

In Germany, the conservative AfD party (labeled right wing extremists by German Intel) have won their biggest victory since the party was launched in 2013.  The movement has secured an election win in the state of Thuringia by a wide margin and a very close second in Saxony.  The AfD is largely supported by younger voters (18-24) who are tired of the German socialist status quo of high taxes, high inflation and rising crime.   

The outcome has stunned German leftists who are now worried that future state elections and the national election in 2025 will have a similar result.

Elections in all the German states are hugely important. Not only are they some of the most powerful subnational bodies in Europe, they also have influence at the federal level through the Bundesrat – Germany’s upper house.  The AFD's founding was in direct response to Germany and the EU's mass immigration policies, inviting millions of third-world migrants and Islamic fundamentalists into the west without any vetting process.

Progressive and globalist leaders across Europe continue to pretend as if the concerns over immigration are held by a fringe minority, then act shocked when parties like the AfD win elections.  Olaf Scholz, the German Chancellor and lawmaker for the center-left Social Democratic Party (SPD), asserts that conservatives cannot be allowed to hold power in Germany regardless of voter decisions.  He stated this week:

“Our country cannot and must not get used to this...The AfD is damaging Germany. It is weakening the economy, dividing society and ruining our country’s reputation...”

The Chancellor failed to explain how the AfD could be "weakening the economy" when the economy has been under socialist control for decades.  Mr. Scholz urged other parties to block the AfD from governing by maintaining a so-called "firewall" against it.

"All democratic parties are now called upon to form stable governments without right-wing extremists," he said, calling the results "bitter" and "worrying".

The establishment media is now engaged in a vicious propaganda war against the AfD, with numerous outlets comparing them directly to "Nazis" despite the fact that the Nazis were far-left, not far-right. 

Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini were both open proponents of Marxism and sought to apply Marxist ideals within their National Socialist governments.  As Hitler noted in a January 27, 1934, interview with Hanns Johst in Frankforter Volksblatt:

“National Socialism derives from each of the two camps the pure idea that characterizes it, national resolution from bourgeois tradition; vital, creative socialism from the teachings of Marxism...”

Fascism has very little in common with conservative movements.  Defense of national borders and cultural identity are not intrinsically fascist ideals.  The political left would like everyone to believe otherwise.  

Scholz's call for a coalition "firewall" in Thuringia, Saxony and other states as a means to prevent the AfD from governing is the same tactic used by Emmanuel Macron in France to shut out Marine Le Pen's conservative National Front party despite their numerous election victories.  Macron pressed "moderate" progressives to align with full-bore communists as a means to overrule French voters and keep conservatives out of the process once again.

While this strategy is technically legal, it is an affront to the democratic process that leftists claim to hold so sacred.  The champions of "democracy" are enraged that the majority isn't voting their way and so they have decided to usurp the election process entirely.

Under these conditions, conflict is inevitable.

via zer0hedge

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